For the past 7 weeks me and my family have been attending a step family class on Tuesday nights.
I'll be honest. I do not like counselors, psychologists, therapists. Whatever you call them.
I don't like them. or at least didn't used to.
So hearing this news, I wasn't too thrilled.
(I can't say much about the classes. I only heard one lesson because I only went to eat with my family and then I had to leave right away to try and make it to young women's on time.)
I went thinking I would get nothing out of it.
That it would be a waste of my time.
I was very close to making a scene about it the first time and refuse to go.
(that would be what I used to do.)
I would like to admit that I have tried to grow up. I have gotten over fighting it.
I bit my tongue and I went.
Tonight was the last one. Only Kate, my mom, and I were able to make it.
After we ate, we sat there talking and then the ladies who run the show started handing out straws to all the tables with tape. They told all of us to build the tallest free standing tower we could using the materials given and see what we can do. We had 12 minutes. GO!
We sat there and then I suggested making a triangle base and building it all the way up with triangles supporting the inside. We all taped as fast as we could. 11 minutes into it and we tried standing it up to see if it would stand on its own. Unfortunately, it was a little wobbly and fell over. We then decided we will just balance as much as it could hold on top of each other and try to make a bridge shape.
12 minutes was up.
We all let go.
and it stayed. kind of.
This is what it ended up looking like...
hahaha a complete mess.
They then make there ending point. Which hit me hard. (thus the reason for me posting about this.)
One of the ladies stood up and said something like this..
"As I was walking around watching each of you guys working with your families I heard people asking "what do we win?" "what will the prize be?"
I saw people looking around trying to get ideas. I saw others comparing there creation to there neighbors. (I will admit, I even told my mom and Kate once to "Hurry, I want to win!") She continued saying..You should not compare your family to anyone else's family. We never stated anytime that you will be judged or given anything for the tallest tower, we simply just told you to build a tower. Everyone's circumstances and situations are different. There is no prize. Just happier families. There is no need to compare and this is what these classes are all about. To help you guys realize that you can do it, to improve the communication in the home, and to build strong relationships."
As I sat there and thought about what she said.
I realized.. My family is my family because I need them. because they need me. because we need each other. I was placed with these people in my home for a reason. No accident. these trials, these divorces. They happened for a reason. Every single one of them.
Those families there. They are mixed up. They are confusing. They don't all look alike and they are trying to figure out how to deal in the new situations that they are put in.
Yes, they are different. But they are also no different than any other family.
A family doesn't have to always live under the same roof.
A family doesn't have to see each other constantly.
A family can have multiple parents, grandparents, siblings: half, whole, step... you name it.
A family is a family because of the peace and comforts it brings to your soul.
Because even though you fight and tease and cry you still love each other.
Because when it all comes down to it, sometimes I just want to be with my family.
My mom always said to me, "Madi, your friends will come and go, but your family will never leave you."
And that is a promise. We were born together, bonded together in some way.
and fortunately ,or sometimes we may think, unfortunately, no one is going anywhere.
You were obliviously put in this place with these people for some reason.
and I learned that even though sometimes it may be hard, and that sometimes looking back and remembering what has happened may hurt.
But look at how far we have come.
We have never stopped laughing or stopped trying. None of these families have. People move forward and keep going everyday.
and everyday, they get stronger.
There are people out there just like you.
But no one out there that is quite like you.
or your family.
Cherish the moments with them.
Remember the happy times, remember the pain to so it makes it that much better.
but don't dwell on it.
Look to the future. Live in the now.
For that short thought/lesson today, I am grateful.
I love my family. Thanks for always being there.
Love, Madeliene.
Daddy- You're truly the best dad in the whole world. I love you and appreciate how hard you work to support our family and how you have always been there. I love to laugh and be with you. Come home from China safely, I miss you.
Mom- You are an amazing person and your strength astounds me! I know we have a rough relationship at times, but I want you to know I do love you. Thanks for always keeping us happy. You held us together many a times.
Kate- You are a beautiful girl! I love to be around you. I love when we get a long and laugh and joke. I know sometimes I can be a total pain. But I want you to know that I am always here for you.
Jake- My sweetest little brother who has always cared so much about me and everyone else. You make my bad days go completely away with your enthusiasm and smile! Keep it up. I love you!
Amy- I appreciate you so much and all that you do for me. I am so thankful for the love and support you show me in everything I do. I know I can always talk to you on a rough day or just for a silly moment. I love ya sister friend! :)
Nick- I am so grateful for the friendship that we have. I truly think of you as a friend and of course, as a brother. You add a lot of fun and laughter to our family! You are so fun to be around and always have the best information on everything! I love you!
Sadie- My darling Sadie baby. I love you so much! You are the cutest little sister anyone could ask for and I am so glad I met you all those years ago. You are so smart and so fun to be around! Just know, I always love you.
Drew- Thank you for everything you have done for my family. You have truly been a blessing and made a difference in all of our lives, especially my moms. I appreciate your hard work and all that you do for me!
Abbie- You are just a all around sweet, caring girl. I can't wait to grow closer to you throughout the years cause girl I think we are stuck together for good! I love when you come to visit. I miss you! Love ya :)
Lexie- My special friend. Where to start.. You are such a fun little one to be around! You surprise me all the time and keep me laughing! I love being your special friend and hope you know that!
I know I probably don't show my family enough of how much I really appreciate them. So, I give you a little challenge. Give all of your families a shout out and tell them/show them how much you really do appreciate them being in your lives. It feels good... trust me. :) It's my new goal. Do it with me? Thanks.
Dearest Madi, I want you to know how much I truly love and appreciate all that you do. You are incredible and I have been so blessed to have you, your siblings and of course your father as a part of my life. Thanks for always being an example to me and making me want to be a better person. I love you!
ReplyDeleteI love you.
You are absolutely incredible. You literally have a heart of gold, and I know I always tell you this but I look up to you so SO much.
And little Sadie and Nick came into my work the other day. Maaybbe you should come with them sometime.
thats all.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is WOW... For such a young girl you truly have your head on straight and obviously a big heart made of gold.