Sunday, April 24, 2011

A tribute to our advocate.

Since today is Easter. and Easter is all about Christ.
I found it fitting to write a little about him.
Today I learned a definition to a word that I had heard before.. but never understood.
The word is advocate.
a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of person, cause, etc.
In The Living Christ it says: "I am the first and the last; I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain; I am your advocate with the Father".
Christ not only died for our sins, but he will stand up for us and help us get into the celestial kingdom come judgement day. 
He is our friend. He literally wants us to be happy and to make it back home.
He is our advocate, our help, our defense.
He is on our side through trails and through hard times.
He loves us unconditionally.
We always have the ability to turn to our Savior. Even if you feel unworthy, I promise that you are always worthy of the Saviors love.
"He was the First-born of the Father, the Only Begotten Son in the flesh, the Redeemer of the world. He rose from the grave to become the firstfruits of them that slept."
He died for our sins and was resurrected for us so we could have a way.
He was humble, meek, and submissive
and most of all, he had faith and trusted the Lord.
He trusted him so much that he fulfilled his plan.
He made it possible for us to feel peace when all is going wrong.
He made it possible for us to have hope in the midst of a storm.
He made it possible for us to live again.
To be with our families again and to be happy.
He made it possible.
If it wasn't for our Brother, our Savior, our Messiah I don't know where or who I would be.
I know that the Atonement is real and very powerful.
I know that Jesus died for us, for me, for you, for everyone so we could be happy.
I know that whatever comes your way that you can always have a way out. 
or at least, some comfort.
He paved the way, he marked a path, all we have to do is want it. To knock, and he will open up and let us in.
He will never leave us alone. 
He knew that we would need help. He knew we couldn't do this alone. So he came down and bled from every pore. He was crucified.
and mocked.
and spit upon.
He was ridiculed.
and even then, he plead for Heavenly Father to forgive them. He said that they don't know what they have done and to forgive the people who have done him wrong. He was on there side, he was there advocate, even when they weren't his. Even when he was hanging on a cross with nails in his feet and hands. A crown of thorns on his head. He prayed for them who did this to him. That is how much he loves us. 
That is a lot of love
I can't even imagine. It is not even comprehendable for me how much pain and suffering he went through for all of us.
Along with Heavenly Father sending down his Son to suffer for us, I believe that he also sent us our friends and family for a distinct reason and a purpose.
He knew ahead of time who we would need at specific points in our lives. 
and those people are here for us on earth.
and our Heavenly Father and Savior are here to comfort us through prayer.
 For Jesus Christ, I am grateful.
I love my Savior. I love all that he did for us. 
He is my example, my friend.
I recognize his love. 
He loves you.
Please turn to him. Pray to him. 
He will comfort you.
He lived and he lives today.
"He was the First-born of the Father, the Only Begotten Son in the flesh, the Redeemer of the world".
Happy Easter.


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