Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I honestly feel as if life is just slipping through my fingers.
That I am sitting here and it is going.
I'm gazing out the window as the cars rush by.
I feel the warm sun in my hair as I lay by the pool.
I see a totally different perspective from down here.
I see people working.
I see people striving to be better.
To do better.
I see people who give up, who don't try at all.
Where am I in the mix of these people?
Who do I want to be and where am I going?
Can I actually have the desire to want and work for something in my life?
Yes, yes. I could.
I could do whatever I wanted.
Anyone.... can do what ever they want in this life.
ANYTHING!!! yes. I can do hard things.
I can, and I will.
and you know what?
If I can at least try, I'm sure anyone can too. 

Love, Madeliene.
-not to sure where that came from.

Life is good.

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