Sunday, June 19, 2011


You have been somewhat, entirely erased from my past. In a sense that, I don't think about you anymore. Your name doesn't ring a bell. Things we used to do, don't remind me of you anymore.

But, I do remember you. I acknowledge that you were there and remember you to the extent that you were part of my life. That for that time being, you were needed. You served your purpose. You taught me well and I learned a lot about myself through my relationship and friendship with you.

Of course, I still remember you. So, maybe your not entirely erased, because you can't completely erase a moment in time. But you are erased in a way. A way I never ever would of thought was possible a year ago. 

I guess through it all, I realized today, that I have personally come so far. I realized who I am. I realized what I stand for and that I will never back down. I will never change who I am for someone else.
I will never lower my standards.
I will never lose myself.
I will never forget about what is really important.
What really matters. 

I have always known these things. But now, I KNOW. I know. I know. I know. and I will never forget.

Moments like these are such "ah-ha" moments because it is when life makes sense!

I would not of learned anything along these lines with out going through it myself.

And with that, I know I still have so much to learn. And I know, I will have the experiences I need that will teach me the things I need to know. And these experiences will keep coming in everything i do. We will all just keep learning and growing and everyday we'll get stronger, be wiser, and have more hope.

Life is hopeful. Life has a purpose. If there wasn't a purpose, why would we all be here?

I think, reflecting on that moment, for a little while, was good for me. It taught me something. Like everything in life eventually does.

Live. Laugh. Love.
for one day.... 
you'll make it.

Love, Madi Louise :)
.....yup, thats me. 

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