Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Newest Addiciton... Snow Cones.

Snoasis. mmmm....
After searching around the house for any spare change.
Jake and I drove to Alpine for the most amazing snow cones ever.
If you don't believe me. Try it, and then you will.
They pretty much melt in your mouth.
I'm obsessed.
They bring pure happiness.
Pictures below...
Love, Me.

P.s. Jake even asked if I was going to blog about this.
Why yes Jake, I am. :)
Just for you Smoochie.

Love. Love. Love.

its actually quite hard to drink from the straw.. this was just for the picture. :)

i love jakes face right here!

1 comment:

  1. Snoasis. Is. The. BEST. (:
    Oh, Madi, I miss you so much! I'm so glad you found my blog 'cause now I'm going to follow yours too! (: Love you. (:
