Sunday, June 12, 2011

Adventure #1. Girls Camp!

Possibly the most amazing week of my life.
With the most amazing leaders and young women.
These girls are my friends.
They are everything I need.
They lift me up and teach me by there example.
Words can not explain how much we all grew together over the past week.
I'm so grateful for the opportunity that I had to get away from the world and to just focus on what really matters.
It puts your life into such a different perspective that I needed to remember.

Over all.
I learned that with Christ...
you truly have everything.
I may not be perfect. For no one is.
But I know with Christ, I am one step closer.

Our whole camp was centered on him and finding our way back home.
We focused on each value and learned about each one and why it is important.
some of my favorite quotes..

"Virtue is a requirement to have the companionship and guidance of the Holy Ghost. You will need that guidance in order to successfully navigate the world in which you live. Being virtuous is a requirement to enter the temple. And it is a requirement to stand in the Savior's presence. You are preparing now for that time."

"Integrity means always doing what is right, regardless of the immediate consequences. It means being righteous from the very depth of our soul, not only in our actions but, more importantly, in our thoughts and in our hearts. Personal integrity implies such trustworthiness that we are implacable of being false to a trust or covenant."

The most amazing experience was the last day, before testimony meeting.
I'm not sure how to write about this experience or share it because it means so much to me.
and all of the other girls.
Words can not describe how it felt.
Words can not describe the over powering feeling that was in that room.
Words can not re-live the experience.
It was truly special and truly sacred.
I hope and wish that everyone could have that experience and feel what we all felt.
That feeling brings hope.
It gives us light. It leads the way.
We know what to do and we know how to get back home.
We all can do it. For the path has been paved.
It's up to us to decide to follow it or not.
To seek Christ in our life and to come to him.
He is always there. We just need to run to him.
To knock, and he will open up the door unto us.
He wants to let us in.
He loves us.
We are Sons and Daughters of our Heavenly Father.
and our Savior, Jesus Christ, died for our sins.
He loved us that much..

Each girl had a section from The Living Christ that we would recite for each other.
My section .. "He was the Firstborn of the Father, the Only Begotten Son in the flesh, the Redeemer of the world. He rose from the grave to become the firstfruits of them that slept."
It was such a powerful thing as each girl stood and read there part.
Christ was and is the center of our lives and we will strive to keep it that way.

That much I will never forget.
Those experiences we shared together, away from the world and as young women will remain in my heart for forever.
Thank you for that.
I needed you all in my life.
We are all here for a purpose.
For someone else, for ourselves, for everyone.

Love, Madeliene Louise

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