Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Small acts of Service.

On this nice, warm, summer morning.
I woke up and I thought to myself...
ahhh. Today.. I will go swimming.
I will get tan and wear my new swimsuit.
Then, I'll go shopping and use my gift cards I still haven't used since my birthday.
Then, I'll get ready and go to mutual.
and somewhere in between I'll do my jobs and go to the gym.
Now that would be the perfect summer day!
Shopping. Tanning. Swimming.

Plans aren't going as they seem.

I got a letter from one of my leaders. Probably the 4th letter I have gotten from her and I haven't replied to one yet.
So, I am going to reply to this one and let her know how much her little cards mean to me.
They are simple. Sweet. Loving. and they show that she cares.
It wasn't a text. It wasn't a message on Facebook. It wasn't an email.
It was a hand written letter. Short and sweet. To the point. She took some time out of her day, to make my day a little bit better.
Thank you.

That made me realize what is actually important.
Today, I am going to write some letters
 that I have been meaning to write.
I am going to visit this cute lady in my ward
who I have been meaning to visit.
Today, I'll do the things I never have time to do,
or things that I  have put off doing.

Love, Madi Louise

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