Saturday, July 9, 2011

Adventure #3. The Best Gal.

Possibly the best week of my life? 
No question!
Gosh. I love being with this girl!
Truly my best friend! 
I wish we could have times like this everyday.. but when we do get to see eachother, it makes it that much better! 
We took a trip to St. George and went on a 12 mile 7 hour hike. 
We left at 7am and didn't get home till 9pm. 
Now that was exhausting! 
It wasn't just your ordinary hike. It was through rivers. 
and included climbing and repelling.
We got beat up pretty bad once we hit rapids but other than that... it was the best experience ever! 
We don't have any pictures of this wild ride because if we did our camera's would be so wet they wouldn't work anyways.
Did I mention we had to dive off rocks into water?
Either that or slide down into it.
It was intense. End of story. 

Pics below of the rest....

The best snow cones ever!!


late nights!


my nuggie.

Happy 4th of July!

is this real?

St. George

My sister.

Posin' before fireworks!

kissies :*

Little Mermaid at Tuhacan

On our way home from St. George.

hahaha no comment.

taking the kiddies to the pool.
Love her!

Tinker bell!

Best Friends.

awe little Tess.

Fishing Outfits.

I caught the first fish! :)


These little boys all ran into my room begging me to play fugitive with them!
It was sooo cute!

Tessa just loved Jack!!

hahaha five kids in one room. when they all coulda had there own beds! 

Last Picture together. Off to the airport.
I'm not sure how to end this. Cause I have so much to say..
But I would just like to say. That a picture is worth a thousand words.
and I'm grateful for the memories we have made.
I love this girl with all my heart.
I admire her strength and the person that she is and helps me to be.
I hope the best for her and can't wait to see her again.
She is a true best friend! 
Even though we aren't together every day it amazes me that we are still as close as we were.
Even closer now.
She is more like a sister.
Someone I can always count on.
Here is to the absolute best week!
I love you girl.
Miss you! 
and can't wait to see you.

*Eyyy girl... you sexy!
*I like it when you call me big Papa.
*Babooshka. Buttercup. The cuteness. Tiny nuts. 
*John John.
*Fish. Frogs. 
*Rocks... oh rocks.
*I hate nature.
*Wing mans.
*The Bernie! end it with the boogie man.
*Chunky Dunk.
*Car rides. 3 am..... enough said.
*Babay. why you gotta do me this way? (Do it better.)
*Five guys.
*Snow cones.
*Pool. Chollo.
*Princessss :)
*How you do baby boo?

Love, Madi Louise:) 

Ps. Happy Birthday on July 13th!!!! 

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