Thursday, September 22, 2011


Sometimes in life we find ourselves lost and hopeless, not knowing exactly where to go or what to do. Time to time we all feel like that. Time and time again we all know what it feels like
to be lost, scared, and alone. We all know what it is like to be on the so called "outside". To be looking in. To be wondering what that particular group of friends does and what that friendship is like. To be wondering if there would be anyway you could be there friends.. If you could be like them.
Regardless, everyone needs friends. Everyone wants friends. And hopefully everyone has friends.
Friends can lead you, guide you, and influence you. Friends can change your life. Friends can be a positive influence and a source of light. You always have those friends. Those people to count on. To call on. That one person or those people that are there for you no matter what.
I'm so grateful For my friends. For my family, who are truly my best friends and the people in my life that I look up to more than ever. I'm so thankful I was blessed with people here to help me and make my journey here that much better.
Thank you.
For you i am truly grateful.
For all of you that are a friend to others. You have no idea how great of an impact you make on them. They look up to you. They define you. They are themselves when they are with you. And I guarantee they are the person they want to be when they are with you. I guarantee they look up to you and think of you as a hero.
If you have ever been one of those people to go up to a lonely person in school. If you have ever seen a boy or girl sitting alone at lunch. Wandering around the halls looking lost. Seeking for someone to change their life, to push them along, to get them back on a path of hope.
Then you are truly a hero.
Heroes are not always known, the most popular, the prettiest, or the most athletic. Heroes can be just an average person. The best heroes are usually the ones who no one knows. Everyone can be a hero. Everyone is a Hero, yes? In one way or another.
We all strive to be like each other, to inspire, and help. To be looked up to. To be humble and to give care when necessary. We as people, are good people.
Friends are good people.
Friends are good to people.
All in all it is just one big circle of friendship and examples. Teaching, loving, and sharing a little bit about yourself with someone you care about.
Thank you for being a friend. Cause when it comes down to it.. You were a friend to me. Even if i don't know you personally. Even if you didn't intentionally mean to, you made a difference.
Be a friend. Lift someone else. Show you care. Be an example. Be a good influence.
And most importantly thank those who do that for you every day.
Live. Laugh. Love. For one day you'll make it.

Love,  Madeliene Louise 

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