Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sushi House.

Hi! My name is Madi and I work at The Sushi House. How may I help you?
Let me explain a little bit about my job.
My bosses are Chinese and speak mainly Mandarin.
The Sushi Chef's speak mainly Spanish. 
Lucky for me I am in Spanish 2 and can say "ensalada" for salad. "una mas" for one more. and "pequeno" for little. 
The waitresses are American and speak mainly English.
With those three words the communication runs quite smoothly between are three languages. (add in a lot of sarcasm please) 
Last Night was the priesthood session and are bosses have been preparing for this for months! 
I went into work at 4 yesterday knowing very well that I would be there till at least 10. 
Usually I leave at 8:30.
I get to work and see them pulling out more tables. 
I think to myself wow! we are really going all out for this aren't we?! 
From about 6:30 to 8:00 there was no one there.
Krista and I were probably quite entertaining for everyone watching us. 
I really can't hold still for to long so of course I was up dancing around and making jokes trying to pass the time.
Randy kept reassuring us that "Mormon conference. Very busy." "8 o clock, very busy." 
Sure enough after 8 everyone started rolling in. As the first people came in he says, "See white shirts? Now they coming." (add in Chinese accent for better effect)
It was hilarious! 
I felt as if these "Mormons" were like some plague! or something we had been waiting for!
Oh wait, we were waiting for them.. haha the whole night!
Since the first day I started working there over Christmas break he, his wife, and his daughter all asked me if I would be here for the "Mormon conference in April" cause it very busy! 
Sure enough it was! Before they started pouring in I had my doubts and thought about how funny it would of been in no one shows up and we were all prepared for nothing!
Well, people showed up alright. 
We were running around like crazy trying to get drinks for everyone. I felt like everyone needed refills all at the same time and that everyone drank especially fast tonight. It was like food disappeared right after we took it to them. 
The sushi chefs had about 20 papers lined up and we had everyone who could make sushi, making sushi.
People were eating it and wanting food faster than we could make it! 
All in all it was a good eventful night and at about 10:10 we were told we could go.
In a moment of weakness.. I quietly told Krista I was craving JCW's. 
She responded, "Cheese fries?". Gosh she knows me to well.
Let me tell you, cheese fries and a cheesecake shake from JCW's will solve any problem! Of course, a sleepover followed after. 

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